Manage your spending


Learning how to manage spending is a good place to start when it comes to taking control of your finances. Our mindful spending guide has a handy tool to help you combat buyer's regret and think twice about impulse buys. Plus, we take a look at staying safe from fraud and tips for using your credit card on holiday.



a couple driving on holiday


Using your card on holiday


Take a look at our top 5 hacks for using your credit card on holiday, and important things to watch out for when spending abroad.



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a couple looking at a laptop


Staying safe from fraud


Find out about the most common types of fraud and how you can protect yourself against them. Plus read our tips to keep your personal details safe.



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a couple laughing


Mindful spending


We've teamed up with maths expert Bobby Seagull to help us work out how long to wait before making big purchases. And our handy calculator helps you see the cost per use.



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